LTO Links #41

The economics of fake news

Your weekly must reads

Some interesting reads this week - share your favorite on social media and tag me!

LTO Links

Issue #41 |


Gizmodo Ads Target Potential Trump Leakers

"The Gizmodo Media Group’s investigative team has taken to buying highly-targeted Facebook ads to steer potential leakers to a new website,

, which lays out a variety of secure methods to pass on sensitive information."


Capitol Hill mom directs thousands of anti-Trump activists with texts sent from her living room

"A few hours later, when her kids were in school, she recorded a voice message and crafted a text alert to blast out to her growing army of activists: 100,000-plus and counting."


22 Customer Support Statistics That You Absolutely Need to Know

"32% of social media users who contact a brand expect a response within 30 minutes, and 42% expect a response within 60 minutes."


Fact-checking fake news reveals how hard it is to kill pervasive ‘nasty weed’ online

"That’s because such stories can frequently be based on a kernel of true information, but portray it out of context or surrounded by made-up details. Usually fueled by partisan rancor, the stories spread across the Internet, making it difficult to attribute to single URLs and stamp them out."

The Macedonian Teens Who Mastered Fake News

"He posted the link on Facebook, seeding it within various groups devoted to American politics; to his astonish­ment, it was shared around 800 times. That month—February 2016—Boris made more than $150 off the Google ads on his website. Considering this to be the best possible use of his time, he stopped going to high school."


How — and when — Trump tweets

"He's tweeted 70 times from 6 AM to 9 AM, the time slot for his favorite cable news shows, Morning Joe and Fox & Friends, and his prime time for news consumption. That's 64% of his tweets as president. It's not a new trend: 47% of his tweets as president-elect and 33% as the GOP nominee came during that 3-hour block."

Twitter Is Now Temporarily Throttling Reach Of Abusive Accounts

"The protocol temporarily prevents tweets from users Twitter deems abusive from being displayed to people who don’t follow them, effectively reducing their reach. If the punished user mentions someone who doesn’t follow them, for instance, that person would not see the tweet in their notifications tab. And if the punished user’s followers retweet them, those retweets wouldn’t be shown to people who don’t follow them."


OK Cupid revamps to be less like Tinder, more political

"The new release includes 50 added questions, some of which are controversial topics for debate – like how you feel about Trump’s Muslim ban, whether you believe in climate change, or even how you feel about Trump himself."