LTO Links #39

White House adds 'Skype seats' to press briefings

Your weekly must reads

LTO Links

Issue #39 |


How to Grow Your Audience With Native Advertising

"No matter what the underlying purpose of your content is, you should always make it good, first and foremost. Focusing on the quality of your content, and the enjoyment readers get out of it is going to help you bring in more potential customers than if you just inform them that your business exists. After all, if you’re not going to make an effort to create quality content, you could just as well use banner ads."

Meet the true source of those viral Donald Trump TV ads

"Not only is there no connection to Trump, the ad is made possible by a group that employs a one-time Trump hater who is making a pretty penny."


Voters Are Pestering Reps With a Newfangled Alternative: Fax

"But instead of pulling out the dusty old machine and feeding in petitions to the tune of dial-up, internet activists quickly found that online fax services could do the sending for them...faxes to members of Congress are typically digitized and sent to an email address as attachments."


How Trump's Opponents Are Crowdsourcing The Resistance

"These are the early days of a new insurgency on the left. Activists are bootstrapping and figuring it out as they go along—not unlike how the insurgency on the right began in 2009. Just as the Tea Party evolved into a collection of disciplined and well-funded organizations, the new left groups are already starting to solidify their structure."


The Data That Turned the World Upside Down

"The world has been turned upside down. Great Britain is leaving the EU, Donald Trump is president of the United States of America. And in Stanford, Kosinski, who wanted to warn against the danger of using psychological targeting in a political setting, is once again receiving accusatory emails. 'No,' says Kosinski, quietly and shaking his head. 'This is not my fault. I did not build the bomb. I only showed that it exists.'"


America Has Its Problems, But Design Can Help Solve Them

"Participating in a democracy can feel daunting. Things like arcane voter registration laws, convoluted ballot measures, and the labyrinthine nature of government create confusion and little incentive to get involved...By removing roadblocks, designers can make getting involved a little easier."


Parliament Could Ask Facebook To Add "Fake News" Warnings To British News Stories

"The House of Commons inquiry will cover all aspects of fake news on all social networks and the wider internet, including advertising systems such as the role played by Google AdWords, which has moved to stop the sale of advertising on fake news websites."

Reddit bans far-right groups




"The subreddits have been used in the organisation of America’s resurgent neofascist movement but the final straw for Reddit was the two groups’ participation in what is known as “doxing”: sharing private personal information without permission as a form of online harassment."


WH announces first picks for 'Skype seats' at press briefings

"Natalie Herbick of Fox 8 in Cleveland, conservative radio talk show host Lars Larson of "The Lars Larson Show," Jeff Jobe of Jobe Publishing in Kentucky and Kimberly Kalunian of WPRI in Providence, R.I., will all be joining the Wednesday press briefing via video conferencing, White House press secretary Sean Spicer said Tuesday."