LTO Links #38

Facebook now favors longer videos

Your weekly must reads

LTO Links

Issue #38 |


Snapchat Offers to Bill Brands for Ads Based on TV-Style Ratings From Nielsen

"On Tuesday, the media app confirmed it would let brands plan and pay for ad campaigns using Nielsen's digital ratings. It's a small tweak to the ad offering, but comes as Snapchat looks to show that its ads are on par with its digital rivals and traditional television."


Trump 101: What he reads and watches

"He'll scroll through Twitter, but he doesn't surf the web himself."


Conversions Are for Closers: Using Conversion-Centered Design Principles to Inspire More Clicks

"Another critical part of the conversion equation is what you actually write on your buttons: your call to action."


Facebook Is Changing How It Ranks Videos in the News Feed

"The social network will favor longer videos with high percent-completion rates over short-form content and long-form videos that people don't spend much time viewing."

Inside Hillary Clinton's social media campaign for the White House – tech podcast

"Producer Matt speaks to Emmy about her team’s social media strategy throughout the primaries and general election, how, in retrospect, they might have done things differently given the outcome of the election, and the campaign’s viral ‘Delete your account’ tweet."

Rogue National Park Accounts Emerge On Twitter Amid Social Media Gag Orders

"The AltUSNatParkService account, for its part, grabbed the spotlight on Wednesday, racking up some 600,000 followers in the span of 24 hours. The account claims to be run by current park rangers, which NPR could not confirm. The location of this group is also unclear as they made references to Mount Rainier in Washington as well as the local Washington, D.C., time."


Matt Cutts steps down from Google, steps up at the U.S. Digital Service

"The USDS, a self-described 'startup at the White House,' is a specialized team tasked with making the government’s many websites, services, and other digital resources run so smoothly that the rest of us don’t notice them at all."

SSL, But For The Veracity of News

"A big part of the problem: all of the ways to verify whether a news site is real are currently manual. Check the author. Use Snopes. Look for evidence. There’s a Chrome plugin, but that requires the user to install it. Tech-savvy people might install a Chrome plugin, but your well-intentioned great aunt won’t. We should be able to automate a solution to this.

"We can’t leave it up to the user to verify whether the news they’re reading is factually correct. "