LTO Links #35

How design color impacts email subscribers

Your weekly must reads

After a month of sabbatical for a wedding, honeymoon, and Christmas, Learn Test Optimize is back for 2017! Remember to send good reads my way.

LTO Links

Issue #35 |


The Future of Data, Analytics, and Polling

"Running a data driven campaign shouldn’t preclude running a campaign built on a foundation of a strong message that connects with voters. In fact, done right, data and analytics will only strengthen message delivery and development."

How can Democrats rebuild after their 2016 rout?

"But for the survival and the health of our party, to be able to hold a majority in the United States Senate, we cannot become a reductionist party that decides we’re going to continue to use data and analytics not to expand the universe of people we’re talking to but to shrink it down."


To Build a Better Ballot

"Rebuilding trust is a complex problem with no easy solutions. But I think there is an easy first step. It's a step that could get rid of our “lesser of two evils” problem, and give us citizens more choices, better choices. And yet, it won't be as daunting as fixing campaign finance or gerrymandering or lack of proportional representation, no, it'd just require changing a piece of paper, and how we count those pieces of paper."


Here’s How Email Color Can Impact Subscriber Behavior

"Color can instantly set the mood, evoke emotion and spark a psychological reaction that gets people to take action. In fact, 90 percent of a subscriber’s first impression is based on color or visual cues alone."


Republican National Committee Security Foiled Russian Hackers

"Upon inspection, the RNC found that its electronic filters had blocked emails sent to a former employee matching the description they’d been warned about.

The apparently successful blocking of a Russian espionage operation offers one possible explanation why the GOP’s main political organization didn’t suffer the same fate as its Democratic counterpart—a deluge of leaked emails revealing private correspondence and internal strategy."


How to Tweet if You’re in Government and Not Donald Trump: Write, Review, Edit, Seek Approval, Wait, Edit, (Maybe) Send

"It took the Central Intelligence Agency 11 months to send its first tweet in 2014. Director John Brennan picked the final wording: 'We can neither confirm nor deny that this is our first tweet.' For the first six months, his office approved all tweets before they were sent out."


The Debate Over Democrats' Digital Future Is Raging

"The two former heads of technology at the DNC said that while technological improvements are needed on their side — particularly in terms of cyber security — overall the situation isn’t as dire as it seems."