LTO Links #308

GOP Lags In Online Fundraising (Again)

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Issue #308 |


Google allows Election Ads on YouTube and updates its Political Content Policy

"In visual formats such as text and banner ads, Google requires the disclosure to be “visible at all times and be of sufficient size to be visible to an average viewer.

For audio, “the disclosure must be substantially similar in pitch, tone and speed to the rest of the ad.”

Hulu Demanded Democratic Candidate Cut 'Sensitive' Issues Like Abortion and Guns from Campaign Ad

"Hulu reportedly demanded a Democratic congressional campaign remove at least one of three “sensitive” issues—abortion, climate change, or gun laws—from a digital campaign ad and replace it with “non-sensitive” issues, like taxes or education, before it could run on the streaming service. The 30-second ad had already run on cable channels..."


Meet the Lobbyist Next Door

"In Washington, there’s been a swell of interest in the influencer business, across the political spectrum. It bears the signs of an incipient arms race, much like the advent of super PACs a decade ago. Hany Farid, a professor of computer science at UC Berkeley who has briefed the Biden administration on social media regulation, predicted that Urban Legend’s model will be recapitulated widely before the 2024 presidential election. “This is the future,” Farid told me."


Biden isn't burning up the TikTok charts. Dems are happy he's there.

"Only three of 13 videos featuring remarks from Biden on the DNC’s TikTok channel have surpassed 100,000 views. The videos include the one on the minimum income tax for billionaires, another on his support for the trans community, and one awarding soccer player Megan Rapinoe the Presidential Medal of Freedom. At least seven videos featuring Harris speaking have surpassed 100,000 views."


The internet found out anyone can vote in this New York “I Voted” sticker competition

"Fun fact: Did you know the U.S. Election Assistance Commission awards the most creative and original “I Voted” stickers annually? In 2020, they awarded stickers from the city of Ann Arbor, Mich.; Escambia County, Fla.; San Mateo County, Calif.; and Connecticut, which celebrate the 100th anniversary of the 19th Amendment expanding the right to vote to women with stickers of Connecticut suffragists and women’s rights activists."


FEC commenters: Leave campaign emails in spam

"The FEC has received hundreds of public comments on a Google pilot program that would protect campaign emails from being automatically filtered as spam."


GOP's grassroots money problem

"Democrats across the 10 most competitive Senate races are out-raising Republicans by more than $75 million among small-dollar donors — those giving less than $200 — according to an Axios analysis of Federal Election Commission records."

Florida Republican dupes seniors with Trump-, DeSantis-themed emails

"POLITICO contacted more than a dozen out-of-state donors listed as giving multiple contributions to Aguilar’s campaign, and a few who responded said they didn’t know who he was or why their money ended up in his campaign coffers."

Social Media

Sweeping changes remake Facebook app in TikTok's image

"The shift is happening in part due to regulatory pressure on social media networks to prioritize data privacy and take more responsibility for misinformation on their platforms, a source told Axios."