Measuring Democrats' Grassroots Fundraising Advantage

AI replacing candidates?


The High Cost of Losing Elections
Wall Street Journal
“But the real home run is digital advertising. There is almost no transparency, few measures to audit and almost no way for a campaign to know how the ad money was spent. Social-media spending is fast and loose. No one knows how effective it is, let alone how much of the spending goes toward fees vs. actual ads. Ten percent to 80% fees are possible.”


Mayor Suarez launches an artificial intelligence chatbot for his presidential campaign
“The tool is powered by VideoAsk, a product created by the software company Typeform that advertises its use in recruiting and sales. The product’s website says clients can create ‘video funnels’ that send visitors down different pathways depending on the questions they ask, allowing users to ‘choose their own adventure.’”


What I really think of the 2024 Republican logos
“As I've said before, to me the field it's overwhelmingly neutral and under-branded, you know, obviously there's a lot of limitations that Republicans deal with because they are communicating a more traditional visual aesthetic to a more traditional audience.”


Why Campaigns Need a Strong Welcome Game
Campaigns & Elections
“If someone signs up on your website or makes a donation to your campaign, shouldn’t they immediately be welcomed or thanked? A surprising number of campaigns still meet donors with, well, silence. But these initial interactions with a supporter are crucial to building a long-term relationship.”


Poll highlights Democrats' grassroots donor advantage
NBC News
“Overall, 30% of registered voters say they have donated to campaign in the past two years. That includes 37% of rank-and-file Democrats, 26% of Republicans and 22% of independents. Looking at the 2024 presidential vote through that lens, President Joe Biden takes 59% of past donors' votes against former President Donald Trump and 58% in a matchup against Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis.”

Meet The AI Writing Campaign Fundraising Emails – Mike Nellis (Quiller)
Business of Politics Show
“His latest company is Quiller, an AI copilot that helps Democratic campaigns and allied organizations draft and deploy high quality, effective fundraising content.”

Social Media

Platforms are Abandoning U.S. Democracy
Tech Policy Press
“And the simplistic faith in the marketplace of ideas producing truth runs counter to the findings of peer-reviewed, rigorous research. Rather than exposure to false information giving people the opportunity to identify truth and discard lies, repeated exposure to falsehoods actually increases people’s likelihood to believe them. Moreover, generally people don’t objectively evaluate information they come across.”


Announcing our 2023 HGL6 Accelerator Companies
Higher Ground Labs
“They are building products focused on empowering donors through innovative fundraising tactics, supporting organizers through seamless data integrations, and reaching marginalized voters through trusted messengers. They are leveraging generative AI for rapid response, deploying relational organizing to unlock social capital, and transforming the relationship between elected representatives and the communities they serve.”