LTO Links #3

LTO Links #3

Your weekly must reads

Welcome to everyone receiving this for the first time and thanks to those of you who shared last week's edition. If you read something interesting in this week's LTO Links, share it on social and let them know you found it here. --Eric

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LTO Links

Issue #3 |


Optimize Campaigns At Scale Using Twitter Ads Editor And Ad Groups

"Similar to how other ad platforms are structured, ad groups introduce a new level in our campaign hierarchy: one campaign can have many ad groups, and an ad group can have many targeting criteria and creatives."

RNC's Voter Data Provider Teams Up With Google, Facebook And Other Ad Firms

"The data in play is the RNC's core information on voter history, Data Trust said. It will not include proprietary strategic information such as voter scores that individual campaigns might feed into their databases at Data Trust."


Netflix Has Twice As Many U.S. Subscribers As Comcast

"According to their Q4 report, Comcast ended 2015 with 22,347,000 video subscribers. Netflix’s own shareholder report listed their U.S. membership base at 44,740,000 strong. That’s 100.2% more than Comcast – a staggering statistic."

News Sites Start Charging Readers To Comment On Articles

"A self-proclaimed libertarian, he believes his company,, can provide a market solution to trolling. 'If we can turn this into a revenue producer, then all of a sudden publishers will want it; they can invest time in it; and we can improve comments,' he said."


High Times Is Using Big Data To Rebrand Marijuana

"a very sort of fickle and hard to reach demographic, and one who if you're not completely authentic, the audience is going to know it immediately and just kind of run you out of town on a rail."

In Election 2016, The War for Your Vote Has Become The War For Your Data

"Models make predictions based on voters' current attributes and behaviors, but now that we have been compiling civic engagement for a decade, [data such as] how people change over time, is proving to be even more important for understanding and predicting election and issue engagement."


How Information Graphics Reveal Your Brain’s Blind Spots

"Before activating our conscious thought to understand an image, we unconsciously absorb tons of information very quickly (what’s called “

”). That puts graphics in a superb position to harness this ability to combat some of our mental shortcomings."

What Is The Difference Between Wireframe, Mockup and Prototype?

"Start with a simple sketch on a blank piece of paper. Then, make a wireframe that organizes the content and features of your app. Add colours, icons, pictures and logos to your wireframe for the mockup. Finish by bringing your mockups to life with interactive elements."


This is why you should use video in your emails

"a video email can bring you a 55% increase in CTR, 41% more shares and forwards and a 24% increase in conversion rate."

How to Write Highly Compelling Calls-to-Action for Email

"Your subscribers didn’t wake up this morning looking to download or sign up for anything. Instead, they may have woken up, like many of us, either wanting or needing something. Your button text should reflect the latter."


4 reasons why video is the future of social

"Among online 16-34s, for example, it’s almost 95% who are watching video, and even among the oldest group tracked by GWI (the 55-64s) it’s 8 in 10 who are engaging. What’s more, about half of internet consumers uploading their own videos online."

YouTube reaches more Millenials than any TV network, research shows

"More than half of the 18-to-49-year-old demographic YouTube users surveyed said they have watched the Google-owned video platform on their TVs...The report found that 61% of those who subscribe to YouTube creators say their opinions about a brand were influenced by the creator they follow."


Election Tech: Leadership is more powerful than technology

"Make it a first class citizen as part of the campaign, just like field [operations], just like analytics, just like anything else."

6 Simple Ways to Improve Your SEO by Improving Page Load Speed

"In recent years Google has been taking user experience into account when determining where to rank a website in the search results, and page load speeds are one of the factors they consider, as faster loading pages = better user experience."

Tools of the Trade


Start your project right with distinct prototype, easily made with Platforma’s huge layout library.


Free public domain photos